Welcome to Our Church
We offer Sunday morning worship services at 11:00am every week. Attend in person or visit our YouTube page to watch the livestream.
An Inclusive Community
Everyone is welcome to worship with us. We have a service every Sunday at 11:00 am, we also have a kids program available at the same time. We hope to see you there!
Support & Strength
If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you! Contact Pastor Jenn or Pastor Tracey for more details via info@hantsportbaptist.ca.
Children’s Programs
We offer a weekly Sunday School class during the morning worship service at 11:00am, as well as various special events throughout the year.
Revival Shop
Quality used clothing to update your wardrobe! Free will donation, or free for the taking if needed.
Love Kitchen
Offering meals and company to those who are lonely, experiencing grief, or just in need of a friend.
A place for those who are grieving to receive support, comfort, and coping strategies.
If you, your child, or a friend is in need of someone to talk to, please contact Pastor Jenn or Pastor Tracey via info@hantsportbaptist.ca.